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 "To a Pretty Life is a place where I share my love of making my world beautiful through home décor, crafts, and writing. My style is trending toward farmhouse and vintage." Joanna

"Simple recipes from my family's table to yours. Lover and writer of everything outdoors, from fishing to gardening, geocaching to foraging." Karlynn

Amy J Bennett (Previously Permission to Peruse)
"You never know what you’ll find on Permission to Peruse but I gravitate towards four topics: stories with or about my children, spiritual insights, movies/book and fashion/design. " Amy J Bennet

"This page is for anyone who yearns to let go of daily distraction and perfection to grasp what truly matters in life! A "Hands Free" revolution starts here!" Rachel Macy Stafford.

“I started Nesting Place in November of 2007. I’ve always had a love affair with my house, ok, with all houses, and this blog is a place for you to come and find decorating encouragement, creative ideas, and be reminded that “It doesn’t have to be perfect to be beautiful”. The Nester

"Many companies define success based on the dollars coming in, but at The Lampo Group, we define our success by the number of lives changed: listeners getting out of debt, readers taking their first Baby Step and saving $1,000, FPU graduates investing for their future."

"ABC's Secret Millionaire who has helped 100's of thousands make more money, annihilate debt & live the life YOU want."

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